My Heart

I really don't know where to start on the this and the next bunch of pictures. The Lord brought us to the Philippines to live and be a part of the people. We are on an island that is 50% poverty, 80 % child and teen incest, sodomy and rape and 90% dedicated to idols at birth. We have been here 15 months now and I am just able to start posting about the children and teens and people here. We love them all and we are happy to be here. But our heart has hurt more than we ever imagined was possible. It is not the safest place to be because we are "white" and they tell me I am the only white woman they have seen. Would we trade living here for anything. No, we are right where we belong. I look at these pictures and I cry all over again. These children are so beautiful and so hurt. We hold them as they sob and cry because of what they have been through and we know we have to send them back to the same situation. We tell them about the Lord but it is hard because we speak a different language but we are learning their language. The Lord gave us a wonderful interpreter and a wonderful Maestra (language teacher). Both the interpreter and Maestra have stolen our hearts. They call us Mama and Daddy and we feel honored. Many have become so precious to us.

We have many people to thank, Patty & Loretta and others who send us clothes & soaps and necessities to take to the village people. The wonderful Intercessor's at LifeWay Church. The need here is so great that it gets overwhelming sometimes. We could not do this without the help So Thank you all.
This is an ongoing story so please follow with us as we walk through each day not knowing what the day will bring.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Aren't they adorable.  They were standing behind me looking into my tablet  so I  hit the button that allows you to take a picture of yourself and instead took a picture of them.  I tell you,  I never get tired of these cuties,  We took  clothes and Tootsie Pops that were sent to us by some wonderful women in the U.S.  It is such a privilege to go to these villages and take clothes and treats and when we have toys for them,    They have never seen people like us but it only takes a smile and a kiss on top of the head to win them over.   I can't believe how blessed we are to have the privilege of helping these children and people.  

1 comment:

  1. What joy you must have, amidst the tears and trials. Thank you for taking Christ to these beautiful people
    Blessings and prayers
