My Heart

I really don't know where to start on the this and the next bunch of pictures. The Lord brought us to the Philippines to live and be a part of the people. We are on an island that is 50% poverty, 80 % child and teen incest, sodomy and rape and 90% dedicated to idols at birth. We have been here 15 months now and I am just able to start posting about the children and teens and people here. We love them all and we are happy to be here. But our heart has hurt more than we ever imagined was possible. It is not the safest place to be because we are "white" and they tell me I am the only white woman they have seen. Would we trade living here for anything. No, we are right where we belong. I look at these pictures and I cry all over again. These children are so beautiful and so hurt. We hold them as they sob and cry because of what they have been through and we know we have to send them back to the same situation. We tell them about the Lord but it is hard because we speak a different language but we are learning their language. The Lord gave us a wonderful interpreter and a wonderful Maestra (language teacher). Both the interpreter and Maestra have stolen our hearts. They call us Mama and Daddy and we feel honored. Many have become so precious to us.

We have many people to thank, Patty & Loretta and others who send us clothes & soaps and necessities to take to the village people. The wonderful Intercessor's at LifeWay Church. The need here is so great that it gets overwhelming sometimes. We could not do this without the help So Thank you all.
This is an ongoing story so please follow with us as we walk through each day not knowing what the day will bring.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Boulevard Ministry (Long)

There is so much to tell you about these children.  The boulevard was made over to look nice for when "important" people come in they are driven in on this street with shops that the normal people cannot afford to shop at. I is along the sea and you will see the ledge that holds the sea back in some of the pictures. The sea is dirty and horrible and words cannot convey the filth in the sea yet these children swim in it daily with no clothes.  We were  praying and singing along the sea edge an I sat down and a little 3 yr old boy came walking towards me totally no clothes and his sister came behind him and I motioned her to come and sit by me.  She did and before long there was a line of children sitting on both sides of me.  The girl with us had a guitar and she asked them what songs they knew. They only knew "not good" songs so she taught them songs about Jesus and put steps to them so the children would remember them.  These children were in dirty old clothes. They are from squatters familes that have absolutely nothing so Mark and one of our team members (Ford) went back to the apt and got clothes to give to them.  And we were able to get them flip flops because what they were wearing was either to big or too small and all worn out and hard for them to even keep on. And someone had sent us a big bag of hard candy and we put it into snack bags and stapled them shut because snack/sandwich bags here are poorly made. 
The top picture is of or team member Jen teaching them songs, the second is only part of the children that came to sit with me.  the 3rd is a picture of a little boy that picked out a pair of Bermuda shorts and a shirt and was so excited that he went behind a palm tree and changed his clothes but he had never had clothes like that so he put them on backwards. The other boys started to tease him and I said no.  So he went back and changed his clothes right. The last picture is of a little girl who had nothing and there she is with her dress and her bag of candy.  There is so much more to tell you and show you but I have to stop.  Thank you to women who send clothes and etc for the children. You are awesome and these children and women need them. We were able to give some of the mothers clothes too.

1 comment:

  1. What great provision God had prepared for you to share.
    Blessings and prayers
